About PROOF Management

business consultants of PROOF Management

Monroe Porter (center), Sandy Read (right)

Our History

PROOF Management was originally founded by one successful businessman to help fellow businesspeople achieve similar success.

Since then, PROOF Management has developed a number of services, including seminars, convention presentations, and networks of small business owners, all the while remaining true to that original fundamental vision – to help contracting professionals grow their businesses and achieve real success including making sure they make time to enjoy their life along the way, not just be a workaholic.

Current President, Monroe Porter, has been with PROOF Management since 1976. Starting at age 23 and working his way through the company, Monroe has developed into one of the construction industry's premier facilitators and speakers.

The PROOF philosophy is built on a foundation of result-oriented solutions.

The PROOF Philosophy

The PROOF philosophy is built on a foundation of result-oriented training. “Results, not Theories” means that we will not experiment with your business. We will give you business training and theory solutions that are not just theory, but training that work in your real world business environment.

manage a better business